The 2nd International Conference on Educational Development and Social Sciences (EDSS 2025)
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Prof. Rustam Shadiev, Zhejiang University, China.png

Prof. Rustam Shadiev 

Zhejiang University, China

Research Area: Application of automatic speech recognition (STR) in learning, Mobile-enabled language learning, Application of multi-sensory touch control technology in cooperative learning environments, Online multimedia learning system, Virtual Reality

Title: Harnessing Emerging Technologies to Foster Global Citizenship: Strategies for Deepening Intercultural Competence in Education

Abstract: In an era where global connectivity is reshaping the educational landscape, the ability to foster intercultural competence has become crucial for preparing students to thrive in a diverse world. This keynote speech, titled “Harnessing Emerging Technologies to Foster Global Citizenship: Strategies for Deepening Intercultural Competence in Education,” explores the innovative role of emerging educational technologies in advancing global citizenship and intercultural understanding.

Building upon recent advancements, this presentation delves into the use of cutting-edge tools—such as AI-driven language translation and corrective feedback systems, immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences, and adaptive learning platforms—to enhance the depth and quality of cross-cultural education. The speech highlights the potential of VR in creating interactive and context-rich learning environments that transcend geographical boundaries, providing students with authentic cultural experiences that were previously unattainable. Moreover, it examines the transformative role of AI-powered translation and feedback technologies in breaking down language barriers, fostering real-time communication, and refining intercultural dialogue.

Further, this discourse will explore the integration of data-driven adaptive learning platforms designed to tailor educational content to diverse cultural backgrounds, thereby supporting personalized learning pathways that enhance global competence. By synthesizing these technological innovations, the speech aims to offer educators, policymakers, and researchers actionable insights into designing educational frameworks that not only bridge cultural divides but also empower learners to become proactive global citizens in an increasingly interconnected world.

Attendees will leave with a renewed perspective on how to leverage these technologies to cultivate a globally minded and culturally competent generation, equipped to navigate and contribute meaningfully to the complexities of our global society.

Assoc. Prof.  Dedong Zheng

Southeast University, China

Research Area: Design, comparative study of Chinese and Western art, architecture and culture, light environment design and research, tourism and merchandise industry planning and design, urban furniture and public art, etc.

Brief: Zheng Dedong is an associate professor and master's tutor at Southeast University.Doctor of Art from Southeast University and Doctor of Architecture from the University of the Arts Berlin (UDK).After studying under Academician Qi Kang of the School of Architecture of Southeast University, he conducted cooperative postdoctoral research based on the direction of urban planning and landscape design.He is currently working as the deputy director of the Design Department at the School of Art of Southeast University and the director of the Institute of Tourism and Landscape Research at Southeast University.



Prof.  Jincheng Wang

Shanghai University of Engineering and Technology, China

Research Area: Functional Polymer Materials,Flame Retardant Materials; Damping Materials; Functional Rubber Materials; Functional Coatings and Adhesives, etc.

Brief: Prof. Wang Jincheng has been engaged in the research of nano-insertion and functional polymer materials for many years. He has undertaken 19 scientific research projects of various types, of which he has presided over 10 scientific research projects, including 2 projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and 1 project of Shanghai Shuguang Program. He has applied for 17 national invention patents, of which 8 have been authorized. In recent years, more than 50 papers have been published in important academic journals at home and abroad, of which more than 30 have been indexed by SCI. Currently, he is the invited reviewer for EuropeanPolymerJournal, PolymerDegradationandStability, Journal of Applied Polymer Science and other journals on nanointercalation materials and flame-retardant rubber. He has been an invited reviewer for the journals of nanocomposite materials and flame-retardant rubbers. He is a reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) "Division of Engineering and Materials Science" program.